I have returned. Some time has passed since I crossed this way.
I am basing my lapse on the theory of a Dr. Arnall of the University of Cardiff Wales
[W + (D-d)] x TQ
M x NA
W: Weather
D: Debt
d: Money due in January pay
T: Time since Christmas
Q: Time since failed quit attempt
M: General motivational levels
NA: The need to take action
I have applied the model to my own state of mind and appears to work. I’m trying to figure out what I have to do to turn it around. February and early March weather is a constant. I’m thinking the only way to change anything is Q. Currently Q in relation to this blog is high. By blogging today, it is reset to zero and zero times anything is zero. Zero divided by anything is zero.
I started writing this afternoon to cheer me up. I’m not depressed, I’m just a total wipe-out.
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