Dr. Rebecca Parker uses the word ‘Missiology’ in her description of our Unitarian Universalist Theological House. She defines Missiology as how we understand our relationship with and to our religious neighbors. Missiology asks what is our mission to the world.[i] When searching ‘Missiology’ on the Starr King site, it is only found in the syllabus for this course. Missiology fares much better in mainline Christian seminaries although there is disagreement as to where Missiology fits in theological studies. David Bosch, a renowned missiologist, goes so far as to say ‘Theology, rightly understood has no reason to exist other than critically to accompany the mission Dei “ The Society of Missiology defines Missiology as the scholarly study of theological, historical, social and practical questions relating to the missionary dimension of the Christian church. The World Council of Churches (WCC) understands mission as being first and foremost God’s own purpose and activity in the whole creation, with and for children, women and men of all nations and cultures. [ii] Reframing in UU terms, Does Un itarian Universalist Theology have any reason to exist if it does not accompany the Ultimate or Universal mission.
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